Dr Nwakile I. N. O


.. What is Tomorrow?

.. Can we Predict Tomorrow?

.. What are our plans for Tomorrow?

.. Can we review our plans for Tomorrow?

.. Is it possible to overlook or forget something very crucially important in what we plan to accomplish tomorrow?

Tomorrow can simply be described as “the day after today” or “the day following today”. Tomorrow is often used to mean the vast and endless future beginning with the very next second.

Tomorrow is often said to be “Pregnant “. No one knows what it will deliver, except God. This means that tomorrow is unpredictable and difficult to understand. If that is so, how would one possibly plan for tomorrow and what would one Plan to go accomplish?

Certainly Tomorrow is unfathomable and unpredictable… An Enigma of some sort. However, one would continue to make plans for a better tomorrow…. A tomorrow, a future.. better than the past and the present.

Man intuitively plans for a life of grandeur, abundance, comfort, riches, position, influence and authority. We plan for goals we hope to actualize tomorrow, next week, next month, next year and other years to come. There is no end to our plans for the future. We constantly review our plans, set up new goals, and assiduously plan implementation and actualization of set goals. Could there be something fundamentally important we often neglect or forget to consider and include in our plans for the future?

We thank God for the ability to plan, execute and accomplish, even if not all, our set targets.

However, our thoughts and plans are often limited to “me, myself, my family and my people “. We unfortunately often forget to realize that there are people in our neighborhoods, communities, along the streets, market places… everywhere, who have lost the ability to think and plan for themselves.

They are to be found among the mentally and physically challenged Persons and the excruciatingly poor. They lack the wherewithal to plan for the next meal, decent clothing, decent accommodation, decent health care, education, etcetera. Some people are elderly, lonely and lack basic care. Some people have lost the ability to smile, laugh and be happy because of negative life experiences.

Were these people captured and provided for in our plans for the future? They too were created in the image and likeness of God. They are our neighbors, brothers, sisters and relations. They need our love, care and support.

In conclusion, it is very important to plan for a great and glorious future for ourselves and our families. As God blesses us with the wherewithal to plan and accomplish these, let us spare some thought for the less privileged members of the society. They too were created in the image and likeness of God. They too need to be planned for and supported. In supporting them, let us gratefully thank God that our circumstances of birth and life experiences have not made us what they are. Let us see them as priority considerations and not as problems. They are the brothers and sisters of Jesus of whom He said “whatsoever you do, to the least of my brothers, that you do unto me ” Matthew 25:40.

So whatever you plan to achieve and accomplish tomorrow, accommodate a plan to make at least one person smile every day. That way, God would continue to overwhelm you with His blessings, Deuteronomy 15:10.

May God graciously grant us that which we seek : Plans for one, Plans for all. Care for One, Care for all. Joy for One, Joy for All.

::::::::: DR NWAKILE I. N. O

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