The Ways of the Lord

“Who is wise? Let him understand these things. Who is prudent? Let him know them. For the ways of the LORD are right; the righteous walk in them, but transgressors stumble in them.” – Hosea 14:9

Putting your faith into action is the key message of the last verse in Hosea’s book. This prophet warned that it wasn’t enough just to hear prophecies or read God’s Word. We need to put His words into practice.

Hosea said the difference is how we react to the “ways of the Lord.” The keys are obedience and faithfulness. We demonstrate that we are “righteous” by walking in His ways. We demonstrate wisdom when we “understand these things.”

If we find ourselves stumbling, this can indicate we are not living in line with His Word. Stumbling suggests we are not sure or confident, that we are off balance, or that we might easily fall.

The way to stop stumbling is to place our confidence in Him, trust Him, humble ourselves before Him, let Him guide us, and focus on obeying His Word.

The New Testament provides a similar message, reminding us, “faith by itself … is dead and useless” (James 2:17 NLT). As we obey and are faithful, we put ourselves in a position to receive God’s blessings.

How do you react to “the ways of the Lord”? Are you letting the world shape your thoughts, or have you dedicated your life to obeying God? Remember that His ways “are right.” Walk in them. Don’t be distracted or deceived by the world’s short-term ideas or temporary pleasures. Commit your life to God. Seek first His Kingdom, and put His Word into action.

*Reflection Question:*

How can you faithfully walk in the ways of the Lord?


Father, I commit my way to You. Guide me. Help me be an example. Use me to impact others for the Gospel. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today’s Bible Reading

Hosea 14

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