The Remnant Church

east Sudan

The Lord said, “Surely it will be well with your remnant; Surely I will cause the enemy to intercede with you in the time of adversity and in the time of affliction. Jeremiah 15:11 (NKJV).

What is the remnant? I remember when I was a child, my mom would me with her to the fabric store where she would buy remnants of cloth. These were small left-over pieces that remained from the original bolt of material. With them she made belts, covered buttons and fashioned other accessories. The dictionary defines “remnant” as a small part, member or trace remaining, or a small surviving group.

In the Bible, the Lord continually speaks of His remnant people These are those who started with the original church yet were separated from it when the original was lost in the world system, either deliberately, due to compromise and sin, or innocently, due to ignorance. The remnant stayed with God. They heard and obeyed His Word.

Today the remnant church is everywhere, in all our churches and in all our denominations. God calls His remnant to serve Him alone, whatever it takes. Because their allegiance is only to Jesus, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, they are separate from the religious system. They will not compromise God’s standard and are His ambassadors and His missionaries to the world church. There is true peace and unity in the remnant church. These two things come only from God, the Holy Spirit.

There are many efforts going on currently to unite all religions and all denominations under one banner. It is not the banner of the Holy Spirit, it is the banner of human plans and programs. It will eventually embrace all faiths and all religions and yet it will persecute and kill those who are a part of God’s remnant church. Standing up for Jesus just doesn’t fit the program. But He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no one comes to the Father except through Him.


“Lord thank you for calling me into Your Kingdom. It is with great joy that I say “yes, I long to belong to Your remnant church.  Grand me boldness that I may proclaim your marvelous works and be a good ambassador for You.”

In Jesus’ Mighty Name,


Final Thoughts:

His Spirit calls. Are you a part of His remnant church? He is calling you to be His ambassador and His missionary to the world church. Reading this only confirms what is already burning in your spirit. Be filled with His Spirit, refuse to compromise, raise the standard of His Holy Word. Hear and obey His voice and His voice alone.

Be Greatly Blessed!

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