Shrewd as a Fox

“Catch the foxes for us, the little foxes that are ruining the vineyards, while our vineyards are in blossom.” – Song of Solomon 2:15 NASB

Foxes long have been symbols of cunning. Masters of disguise, these animals can conceal their appearance and attack without warning.

The people of Israel knew all about foxes. Israel had a climate ideal for growing grapes. Farmers had to battle constantly against these creatures. Many surrounded their vineyards with walls or hedges. Yet they could never let down their guard as clever foxes could attack at any time, even digging tunnels under fences.

The picture Solomon provides should remind us of the spiritual battles we face. The world is filled with temptations that can lure us into danger. Solomon specifically warned against “little foxes.” These seemingly small temptations can encourage us to let down our guard. These things can seem insignificant, but these “little foxes” can do enormous damage.

How often the greatest dangers are not from obvious things, but from those that seem small. We do things that may seem harmless but can lead to harmful relationships. We go places that lead us into trouble.

What is the solution? We must be on guard, ready to catch these foxes. If we are passive, we can remain vulnerable, allow bad habits to develop, and enable small problems to become big problems.

Remember, you are in a spiritual battle. Your enemy will attack you, directly and indirectly, in ways that are obvious or subtle. Be on guard, particularly against the “little foxes.”

*Reflection Question:*

What small problems do you need to weed out of your life now?


Father, give me discernment. Help me to be ready to fight my spiritual enemy. Thank You for victory. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Today’s Bible Reading

Song of Solomon 2

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