
“A man who isolates himself seeks his own desire; he rages against all wise judgment.” *– Proverbs 18:1*

The Bible warns against the dangers of being isolated. The Hebrew words here suggest dividing ourselves from others, becoming separated, or setting up barriers.

We take this kind of action for many reasons. We may be introverts who do not relish interaction with others. We may have felt wounded, hurt, betrayed, or offended by something others said or did.

These are normal responses, but the Bible reminds us that when we isolate ourselves, we actually “rage against all wise judgment.” The Bible uses a word that suggests being obstinate, foolish, or self-centered.

The Bible urges us to remember that we all are part of the body of Christ (Romans 12:5). We need each other. We each have a role to play, and we can learn much from interacting with others. When we remember the importance of humility, we realize why isolating ourselves can be poisonous and how it can be counterproductive to seek only our own desires.

We should realize that when we isolate ourselves, we may also be separating ourselves from God. We can become so focused on ourselves that we are not sensitive to His Spirit and are blind to the truths in His Word. Instead, we are to be filled with God’s wisdom and to be good listeners.

Seek to fulfill your place in the body of Christ. Pray with others. Worship with others. As God opens the door, be ready to share your testimony.

*Reflection Question:*

How can you intentionally seek out others today?


Father, thank You for Your calling on my life. Use me in the lives of others. Help me serve You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today’s Bible Reading

Proverbs 18

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