Deadly Violence Has Shattered Our Sanity & Peace Of Mind 

International organizations for Peace, Trade and Sports after World War I and II and later Organization For African Unity urged by Kwame Nkrumah at Addis Ababa, created avenues for amicable relationships around the world where we can resolve our differences before resorting to wars. However, extremIst forces looking for domination worked against Peace in order to gain Advantageous Economic powers within and outside their countries.

Violence in order to gain power and control the destiny of others has spread to areas reserved for serenity. Violence in children’s schools, house of worship, hospitals, family, work e.t.c. It is getting almost impossible to find a place to hide or run to. It is an understatement to claim that Things Have Fallen Apart. The bottom of our Peace, Amicability and Civility most of the older cohorts grew up in have fallen. Some Youths born into chaos became indifferent, for survival.

Extremists appeal to our basic emotional instincts propagating fear of one another for their own selfish ends. They throw more money to Cronies, Defence contractors and businesses than they spend on human infrastructure. How do all these rancors intentionally created solve the violence against one another, especially against women and the poor in any society?

Even places and countries we used to call civilized climes have come out in their true colors proving that cave mentality for the survival of the fittest by violence is worldwide. Philosophy of the capacity to acquire and unleash the most lethal form of violence as the only way to discourage violence gained ground. While Nuclear Powers prevented others from acquiring nuclear technology, they shared it with affiliates and friends like South Africa before Mandela took over, Israel, South Korea and probably Taiwan to counter neighboring threats.

The old tactics of divide and rule through political parties still works. Violence is their way of keeping their status quo. Your leaders and businesses do not work for you, their loyalty and interest is to make money out of your communities for foreign shareholders. The owners of foreign companies in your countries preach job creation with cheap local low wages or threaten to fold up.

The children of the privileged that gained their high status are not going to let go just from the goodness of their hearts. They still scout the world looking for cheap labor and talents that will further their interests at home and abroad. It is not by accident that your own leaders in developing countries are even worse, furthering foreign interests, perpetrating violence, laundering your earnings and resources abroad like the businesses and missionaries that did it before independence.

There must be another way except for the fear that without hunger people would be too lazy to work. So love is not the solution to the market. If you do not work, you cannot eat love, you have to buy food. Otherwise hunt or grow your own food in your own countries. Animals kill for food but humans fight and kill humans for money that controls the privilege we want and buy.

Therefore, parties are formed along the interests of workers and business owners. The greatest accomplishment of the workers is the establishment of Unions that eliminated child workers, negotiated working hours and benefits. Union brought decent living wages that expanded the middle class and brought their wages closer to that of employers.

These gains are being eroded today by the children of slave owners from their workers. But these days they do it with the help of their victims voting against their own interests. They broke the Unions and exported jobs to countries that provided cheapest labor. In the first place, our Youths cross over the sea and desert as laborers because big international corporations preceded by their missionaries were in our countries to exploit you on plantations for raw materials.

Politicians used violence in the name of law and order to keep you enslaved. The shareholders make it unbearable as the laborers of raw materials. So, you take to the sea and desert to escape. But your escape does not give you the desired freedom because you are also the cheapest labor in your new country. Comparing dollars to local currencies only gives you a comparative observation of how exploited old countries are. More in conversion of money but more stress when a fish is out of water. Suffering and Smiling!

However, as wages grew in developing countries, employers found political means of getting their ways, by any means necessary. Even through denial of unfavorable votes to deny your contributions or express yourselves in a democracy. They get their ways and bully you into compliance by violence to burn the house down with fear of losing everything.

Unfortunately, violence has pervaded our peace no matter where you live. We were building and planning for the future until angry men all over the world rose up asking for a bigger share of the same pie. They either get more as demanded or burn down their communities, the same societies that fed them. Money is the measurable means they see today, so they must get more. This is the root of all their violence, money!

We see money as power that buys privilege and subject others to their whims and caprices. People have realized this for ages building philosophy on retaining the advantages money brings. Children of those who fought to retain serfs in Europe and slaves around the world, feared the loss of income they derive from mercantile trade, would dilute their power.

Nobody gives up a position of privilege easily. The only way to do their job is to introduce violence. There are very few ways to create violence without getting people to become mean spirited. Anger erases love for one another and turns people against themselves. The way to increase anger is to poison the love that unites people against violence.

Even in communities where most people have the same ancestry or ethnicity, leaders created parties by class to fight one another as we see in Europe and America. If they belong to the same ethic group, speak the same language and worship the same God, as the Somali fight each other. The same is true about the Shiites and the Sunnis or Catholics and Protestants used until lately in Ireland. It boils down to dominance and suzerainty either by economic, religion or violence.


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